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Workflow Tasks

A workflow comprises a sequence of tasks agency users follow to process a record. When a user submits a new application, the system creates a record of the specified record type and launches an instance of the associated workflow. Users change the status of a workflow task to promote a record to the next task in the workflow.

Example Use Case

You create a workflow that includes all the tasks to process a commercial building permit. This workflow includes tasks such as application acceptance, building review, permit issuance, inspections, certificate of occupancy, and closure.

Record status determines the operations you can perform on a record and your permission to perform those operations. For example, when a record changes its status, the workflow can lock the record from further activity until the status changes to a status that releases the lock.

The workflow can provide email notifications anytime the status changes. For each task and task status, you can notify a different individual. For example, you can notify a contractor after completion of a building inspection. The system can also notify public applicants.

Example Use Case

The workflow limits access to a building permit record when the status changes to plan review. The workflow limits access by restricting the ability of users to schedule inspections or result inspections, the workflow only allows users to view the record. When the record status changes to issued, users can schedule the necessary inspections and result an inspection.

The workflow definition comprises task names, task owners, task order, task time line, and sub-tasks. The process to follow depends on the workflow and the situation in which a user changes a task status.

  • You can add sub-tasks, also known as activities, to each task. Sub-tasks create a more detailed workflow process or outline the steps involved in each main level task.

  • You can attach a document with a sub-task. For example, you can attach a report of the results of the plan review or upload the actual plans.

  • You can track the time you agency takes to process records, excluding the time spent by external parties. This time tracking can help determine where an agency can improve efficiency.

  • You can save a history of workflows to audit your business processes.