Update Record Owner

Updates information about the specified owner for the specified record.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   update_record_owner

App TypeAll
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/records/{recordId}/owners/{id}?lang={lang}
Automation Version(s)7.3.2

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
idstringYesThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.7.3.2
recordIdstringYes Get All Records Search Records Get My Records The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
emailstringNoThe contact's email address.7.3.2
faxstringNoThe fax number for the contact.7.3.2
firstNamestringNoThe contact's first name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual.7.3.2
fullNamestringNoThe contact's full name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual.7.3.2
idlongNoThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
isPrimarystringNoY | NIndicates whether or not to designate the owner as the primary owner.7.3.2
lastNamestringNoThe last name (surname). 7.3.2
mailAddressmailAddress{}NoContains the fields that define an owner's address.7.3.2
mailAddress.addressLine1stringNoThe first line of the address. 7.3.2
mailAddress.addressLine2stringNoThe second line of the address.7.3.2
mailAddress.addressLine3stringNoThe third line of the address.7.3.2
mailAddress.citystringNoThe name of the city.7.3.2
mailAddress.countrymailAddress.country{}No Get All Address Countries The name of the country.7.3.2
mailAddress.country.textstringNoThe localized display text.7.3.2
mailAddress.country.valuestringNoThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
mailAddress.postalCodestringNoThe postal ZIP code for the address.7.3.2
mailAddress.statemailAddress.state{}No Get All Address States The state corresponding to the address on record.7.3.2
mailAddress.state.textstringNoThe localized display text.7.3.2
mailAddress.state.valuestringNoThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
middleNamestringNoThe middle name. 7.3.2
phonestringNoThe telephone number of the user. 7.3.2
recordIdrecordId{}No Get All Records Search Records Get My Records The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
recordId.customIdstringNoAn ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application.7.3.2
recordId.idstringNoThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
recordId.serviceProviderCodestringNoThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
recordId.trackingIdlongNoThe application tracking number (IVR tracking number).7.3.2
recordId.valuestringNoThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
refOwnerIddoubleNoThe unique Id generated for an owner stored in the system.7.3.2
statusstatus{}NoThe owner status.7.3.2
status.textstringNoThe localized display text.7.3.2
status.valuestringNoThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
taxIdstringNoThe owner's tax ID number.7.3.2
titlestringNoThe individual's business title. 7.3.2
typestringNoThe owner type.7.3.2

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
result.emailstringThe contact's email address.7.3.2
result.faxstringThe fax number for the contact.7.3.2
result.firstNamestringThe contact's first name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual.7.3.2
result.fullNamestringThe contact's full name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual.7.3.2
result.idlongThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.isPrimarystringIndicates whether or not to designate the owner as the primary owner.7.3.2
result.lastNamestringThe last name (surname). 7.3.2
result.mailAddressresult.mailAddress{}Contains the fields that define an owner's address.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.addressLine1stringThe first line of the address. 7.3.2
result.mailAddress.addressLine2stringThe second line of the address.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.addressLine3stringThe third line of the address.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.citystringThe name of the city.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.countryresult.mailAddress.country{}The name of the country.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.country.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.country.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.postalCodestringThe postal ZIP code for the address.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.stateresult.mailAddress.state{}The state corresponding to the address on record.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.state.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.mailAddress.state.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.middleNamestringThe middle name. 7.3.2
result.phonestringThe telephone number of the user. 7.3.2
result.recordIdresult.recordId{}The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
result.recordId.customIdstringAn ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application.7.3.2
result.recordId.idstringThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.recordId.serviceProviderCodestringThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
result.recordId.trackingIdlongThe application tracking number (IVR tracking number).7.3.2
result.recordId.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.refOwnerIddoubleThe unique Id generated for an owner stored in the system.7.3.2
result.statusresult.status{}The owner status.7.3.2
result.status.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.status.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.taxIdstringThe owner's tax ID number.7.3.2
result.titlestringThe individual's business title. 7.3.2
result.typestringThe owner type.7.3.2
statusintegerThe record status.7.3.3