addressLine1 | string | No | � | The first line of the address. | 7.3.2 |
addressLine2 | string | No | � | The second line of the address. | 7.3.2 |
addressTypeFlag | addressTypeFlag{} | No |
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| The current status of the address record. | 7.3.2 |
addressTypeFlag.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
addressTypeFlag.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
city | string | No | � | The name of the city. | 7.3.2 |
country | country{} | No |
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| The name of the country. | 7.3.2 |
country.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
country.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
county | string | No | � | The name of the county. | 7.3.2 |
description | string | No | � | The description of the record or item. | 7.3.2 |
direction | direction{} | No |
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| The street direction of the primary address associated with the application. | 7.3.2 |
direction.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
direction.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
distance | double | No | � | The distance from another landmark used to locate the address. | 7.3.2 |
houseAlphaEnd | string | No | � | The ending street number that makes up the address. | 7.3.2 |
houseAlphaStart | string | No | � | The beginning street number that makes up the address. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionEnd | houseFractionEnd{} | No |
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| Used in combination with the Street # fields. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionEnd.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionEnd.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionStart | houseFractionStart{} | No |
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| Used In combination with the Street # fields. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionStart.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
houseFractionStart.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
id | long | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
inspectionDistrict | string | No | � | The inspection district where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
inspectionDistrictPrefix | string | No | � | The prefix for the inspection district where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
isPrimary | string | No | Y | N | Indicates whether or not to designate the address as the primary address. Only one address can be primary at any given time. | 7.3.2 |
levelEnd | string | No | � | The ending level number (floor number) that makes up the address within a complex. | 7.3.2 |
levelPrefix | string | No | � | The prefix for the level numbers (floor numbers) that make up the address. | 7.3.2 |
levelStart | string | No | � | The beginning level number (floor number) that makes up the address within a complex. | 7.3.2 |
neighborhood | string | No | � | The neighborhood where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
neighborhoodPrefix | string | No | � | The prefix for the neighborhood where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
postalCode | string | No | � | The postal ZIP code for the address. | 7.3.2 |
recordId | recordId{} | No |
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| The unique ID associated with a record. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.customId | string | No | � | An ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application. | 7.3.2 | | string | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.serviceProviderCode | string | No | � | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.trackingId | long | No | � | The application tracking number (IVR tracking number). | 7.3.2 |
recordId.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
refAddressId | long | No | � | The unique Id generated for an address stored in the system. | 7.3.2 |
secondaryStreet | string | No | � | This field (along with the Secondary Road Number field) displays an extra description for the location when two roads that cross or a street with two names makes up the address of the location. | 7.3.2 |
secondaryStreetNumber | long | No | � | This field (along with the Secondary Road field) displays an extra description for the location when two roads that cross or a street with two names makes up the address of the location. | 7.3.2 |
serviceProviderCode | string | No | � | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
state | state{} | No |
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| The state corresponding to the address on record. | 7.3.2 |
state.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
state.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
status | status{} | No | A | I | The address status indicating whether the address is active or inactive. | 7.3.2 |
status.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
status.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
streetAddress | string | No | � | The street address. | 7.3.2 |
streetEnd | long | No | � | The end of a range of street numbers. | 7.3.2 |
streetEndFrom | long | No | � | The start of the street End range. | 7.3.2 |
streetEndTo | long | No | � | The last of the street End range. | 7.3.2 |
streetName | string | No | � | The street name for the address. | 7.3.2 |
streetPrefix | string | No | � | Any part of an address that appears before a street name or number. For example, if the address is 123 West Main, "West" is the street prefix. | 7.3.2 |
streetStart | long | No | � | The start of a range of street numbers. | 7.3.2 |
streetStartFrom | long | No | � | The first of the street start range. | 7.3.2 |
streetStartTo | long | No | � | The last of the street start range. | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffix | streetSuffix{} | No |
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| The type of street such as "Lane" or "Boulevard". | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffix.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffix.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffixDirection | streetSuffixDirection{} | No |
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| The direction appended to the street suffix. For example, if the address is 500 56th Avenue NW, "NW" is the street suffix direction. | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffixDirection.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
streetSuffixDirection.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
type | type{} | No |
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| The address type. | 7.3.2 |
type.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
type.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
unitEnd | string | No | � | The end parameter of a range of unit numbers. | 7.3.2 |
unitStart | string | No | � | The starting parameter of a range of unit numbers. | 7.3.2 |
unitType | unitType{} | No |
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| The unit type designation of the address. | 7.3.2 |
unitType.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
unitType.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
xCoordinate | double | No | � | The longitudinal coordinate for this address. | 7.3.2 |
yCoordinate | double | No | � | The latitudinal coordinate for this address. | 7.3.2 |
lang | String | No | � | Indicates the language applied. | 7.3.2 |
recordId | string | Yes |
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| The unique ID associated with a record. | 7.3.2 |