Get All Payments for Record

Gets information about the payments for the specified record.

Resource Information

Scope records
App Type All
Authorization Type Access token
URI /v4/records/{recordId}/payments?paymentStatus={paymentStatus}&fields={fields}&lang={lang}
Automation Version(s) 9.0.0

Request Information

Field or Parameter Type Required Values Description Automation Version
fields string No   Comma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored. 9.0.0
lang String No   Indicates the language applied. 9.0.0
paymentStatus string No value={Y | N} Indicates whether or not a payment has been made in full. 9.0.0
recordId string No Get All Records Search Records Get My Records The unique ID associated with a record. 9.0.0

Response Information

Field Type Description Automation Version
result[] result{} Contains payment information. 9.0.0
result.amount double The amount of a payment transaction or account balance. 9.0.0
result.amountNotAllocated double The payment amount which has not been allocated. 9.0.0
result.cashierId string The unique ID associated with the cashier. 9.0.0 long The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. 9.0.0
result.paymentDate dateTime The date a payment was entered into the system. 9.0.0
result.paymentMethod string Describes the method of payment, for example; credit card, cash, debit card, and so forth. 9.0.0
result.paymentStatus string Indicates whether or not a payment has been made in full. 9.0.0
result.receiptId long The unique ID generated for the recipient. 9.0.0
result.recordId result.recordId{} The unique ID associated with a record. 9.0.0
result.recordId.customId string An ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application. 9.0.0 string The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. 9.0.0
result.recordId.serviceProviderCode string The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. 9.0.0
result.recordId.trackingId long The application tracking number (IVR tracking number). 9.0.0
result.recordId.value string The value for the specified parameter. 9.0.0
result.transactionCode string An industry standard code that identifies the type of transaction. 9.0.0
result.transactionId long A unique number, assigned by the system, that indentifies the transaction. 9.0.0
status integer The request status. 9.0.0