Get All Fees for Record

Gets the fee schedules associated with the specified record.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   get_record_fees

App TypeAll
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/records/{recordId}/fees?lang={lang}&fields={fields}&status={status}
Automation Version(s)7.3.2

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
fieldsstringNoComma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored.7.3.2
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.7.3.2
recordIdstringNo Get All Records Search Records Get My Records The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
statusstringNoThe record status.7.3.2

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
result.acaRequiredFlagstringIndicates whether or not the fee schedule is required in order to make it accessible to citizens.7.3.2
result.accountCode1stringThe code associated with the first fee7.3.3.5
result.accountCode1AllocationdoubleAllocation proportion or amount of account code
result.accountCode2stringThe code associated with the second fee7.3.3.5
result.accountCode2AllocationdoubleAllocation proportion or amount of account code
result.accountCode3stringThe code associated with the third fee7.3.3.5
result.accountCode3AllocationdoubleAllocation proportion or amount of account code
result.allocatedFee1doubleThe allocated fee for account code
result.allocatedFee2doubleThe allocated fee for account code
result.allocatedFee3doubleThe allocated fee for account code
result.amountdoubleThe amount of a payment transaction or account balance.7.3.2
result.applyDatedateTimeThe date the fee is applied.7.3.2
result.auditDatedateTimeThe creation or last modified date.7.3.2
result.autoAssessFlagstringIndicates whether or not the fee item is automatically assessed.7.3.2
result.autoInvoiceFlagstringIndicates whether or not the fee item is automatically invoiced.7.3.2
result.balanceDuedoubleThe amount due.7.3.2
result.calcFlagstringIndicates whether or not the fee amount is based on fee calculation.7.3.2
result.calculatedFlagstringIndicates whether or not the fee amount is based on fee calculation.7.3.2
result.coderesult.code{}A code identifying an associated item7.3.2
result.code.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.code.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.descriptionresult.description{}The description of the record or item.7.3.2
result.description.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.description.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.displayOrderlongThe order of the item in comparison to the other items.7.3.2
result.effectDatedateTimeFee item effective date.7.3.2
result.expireDatedateTimeThe date when the item expires7.3.2
result.feeAllocationTypestringThe fee allocation type to each account code.7.3.2
result.feeNotesstringNotes about the fee.7.3.2
result.idlongThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.invoiceIdlongThe invoice ID for the fee item.7.3.2
result.maxFeedoubleThe maximum fee item.7.3.2
result.minFeedoubleThe minimum fee item.7.3.2
result.notesstringNotes about the fee.
result.paymentPeriodresult.paymentPeriod{}The time interval for processing invoices.7.3.2
result.paymentPeriod.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.paymentPeriod.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.prioritylongThe priority level assigned to the fee item.7.3.2
result.quantitydoubleThe number of units for which the same fee applies.7.3.2
result.recordIdresult.recordId{}The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
result.recordId.customIdstringAn ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application.7.3.2
result.recordId.idstringThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.recordId.serviceProviderCodestringThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
result.recordId.trackingIdlongThe application tracking number (IVR tracking number).7.3.2
result.scheduleresult.schedule{}Contains parameters that define the fee schedule.7.3.2
result.schedule.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.schedule.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.statusstringThe fee item status.7.3.2
result.subGroupresult.subGroup{}A grouping of fee items to which the system can ascribe a value.7.3.2
result.subGroup.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.subGroup.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.udf1stringUser defined field 17.3.2
result.udf2stringUser defined field 27.3.2
result.udf3stringUser defined field 37.3.2
result.udf4stringUser defined field 47.3.2
result.unitresult.unit{}The unit of measure used for the object. For fees, this might be square feet, for example.7.3.2
result.unit.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.unit.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.variablestringThe variable associated with the fee item.7.3.2
result.versionresult.version{}A unique name or number sequence used to identify the version. This field works with the 'Effective Date' and 'Disabled on Date' fields to determine which version is active. Only one version can be active at a time.7.3.2
result.version.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.version.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
statusintegerThe record status.7.3.3