Delete Record Parcels

Removes the association of the specified parcel(s) from the specified record.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   delete_record_parcels

App TypeAll
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/records/{recordId}/parcels/{ids}?lang={lang}
Automation Version(s)7.3.2

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
fieldsstringNoComma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored.7.3.2
idsstringYesOne or multiple identifiers separated by a comma like id1,id2,id3.7.3.2
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.7.3.2
recordIdstringYes Get All Records Search Records Get My Records The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
result.codestringA code identifying an associated item7.3.2
result.idstringThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.isSuccessbooleanIndicates whether or not the operation on the item is successful. 7.3.2
result.messagestringA text message related to the operation.7.3.2
statusintegerThe record status.7.3.3