Updates an inspection with the specified schedule date, time, inspectorId, and comments. The Reschedule Inspection API automatically sets the inspection status to "Scheduled" and category to "Insp Scheduled".
Scope | inspections Deprecated scope name: reschedule_inspection |
App Type | All |
Authorization Type | Access token |
URI | /v4/inspections/{id}/reschedule?lang={lang} |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Automation Version(s) | 7.3.2 |
Field or Parameter | Type | Required | Values | Description | Automation Version |
id | string | Yes | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
billable | string | No | Y | N | This defines whether or not the item is billable. | 7.3.2 |
category | string | No | � | The inspection category, which is used to organize inspection types. An inspection type is assigned to one or more inspection categories. | 7.3.2 |
commentDisplay | string | No | Y | N | Indicates whether or not Accela Citizen Access users can view the inspection results comments. | 7.3.2 |
commentPublicVisible[] | string | No | � | Specifies the type of user who can view the inspection result comments. "All ACA Users" - Both registered and anonymous Accela Citizen Access users can view the comments for inspection results. "Record Creator Only" - the user who created the record can see the comments for the inspection results. "Record Creator and Licensed Professional" - The user who created the record and the licensed professional associated with the record can see the comments for the inspection results. | 7.3.2 |
completedAMPM | string | No | AM | PM | Indicates whether completed time is "AM" or "PM". | 7.3.2 |
completedDate | dateTime | No | � | The date of completion. | 7.3.2 |
completedTime | string | No | � | The time of completion. | 7.3.2 |
contact | contact{} | No | � | The contact information. | 7.3.2 |
contact.firstName | string | No | � | The contact's first name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual. | 7.3.2 |
contact.fullName | string | No | � | The contact's full name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual. | 7.3.2 |
contact.id | string | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
contact.lastName | string | No | � | The last name (surname). | 7.3.2 |
contact.middleName | string | No | � | The middle name. | 7.3.2 |
contact.phone1 | string | No | � | The primary telephone number of the contact. | 7.3.2 |
desiredAMPM | string | No | AM | PM | Indicates whether the desired inspection time is AM or PM. | 7.3.2 |
desiredDate | dateTime | No | � | The desired inspection date. | 7.3.2 |
desiredTime | string | No | � | The desired inspection time. | 7.3.2 |
endMileage | float | No | � | The ending mileage for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
endTime | dateTime | No | � | The time the inspection was completed. | 7.3.2 |
estimatedEndTime | string | No | � | inspection estimated end time. | 7.3.2 |
estimatedStartTime | string | No | � | The scheduled start time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
gisAreaName | string | No | � | The GIS Object ID of the parent application if the application that the inspection is scheduled for has a parent application that is a project application. | 7.3.2 |
grade | string | No | Get All Inspection Grades | The name of the inspection grade. | 7.3.2 |
inspectorId | string | No | � | The ID number of the inspector. | 7.3.2 |
isAutoAssign | string | No | Y | N | This defines whether or not you want to automatically reschedule the inspection when the previous inspection status attains Approved status. | 7.3.2 |
latitude | float | No | � | The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. | 7.3.2 |
longitude | float | No | � | The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. | 7.3.2 |
majorViolation | long | No | � | The number of major violations. | 7.3.2 |
overtime | string | No | � | A labor cost factor that indicates time worked beyond a worker's regular working hours. | 7.3.2 |
publicVisible | string | No | Y | N | Indicates whether or not Accela Citizen Access users can view comment about the inspection results. | 7.3.2 |
recordId | recordId{} | No | � | The unique ID associated with a record. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.customId | string | No | � | An ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.id | string | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.serviceProviderCode | string | No | � | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
recordId.trackingId | long | No | � | The application tracking number (IVR tracking number). | 7.3.2 |
recordId.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
requestComment | string | No | � | Comments about the new inspection. For example, you may identify who requested the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
requestorFirstName | string | No | � | The first name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
requestorLastName | string | No | � | The last name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
requestorMiddleName | string | No | � | The middle name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
requestorPhone | string | No | � | The telephone number for the person who processes the inspection request or schedules the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
requestorPhoneIDD | string | No | � | The telephone number for the person who processes the inspection request or schedules the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
requestorUserId | string | No | � | The user Id of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
requiredInspection | string | No | Y | N | This defines whether the inspection is optional or required. | 7.3.2 |
resultComment | string | No | � | The inspection result comments. | 7.3.2 |
resultType | string | No | � | The type of result that can be ascibed to an inspection. There are three result types: Approved: Approves (passes) the checklist item. Denied: Denies (fails) the checklist item. Informational: Indicates that the checklist items do not need a status of app | 7.3.2 |
scheduleEndAMPM | string | No | AM | PM | The date when the inspection gets scheduled. | 7.3.2 |
scheduleEndTime | string | No | � | Indicates whether the scheduleEndTime is in the AM or PM. | 7.3.2 |
scheduleStartAMPM | string | No | AM | PM | The scheduled end time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
scheduleStartTime | string | No | � | AM indicates the 12 hour period from midnight to noon. PM indicates the 12 hour period from noon to midnight. | 7.3.2 |
startMileage | float | No | � | The scheduled start time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
startTime | dateTime | No | � | The time when you started the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
status | status{} | No | Get All Inspection Statuses | The inspection status. | 7.3.2 |
status.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
status.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
totalMileage | float | No | � | The total mileage for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
totalScore | long | No | � | The overall score of the inspection that includes the inspection result, inspection grade, checklist total score and checklist major violation option. | 7.3.2 |
totalTime | double | No | � | The total amount of time used to do an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
type | type{} | No | Get All Inspection Types Get Inspection Types | The inspection type. | 7.3.2 |
type.group | string | No | � | The name of a group of inspection types. | 7.3.2 |
type.id | long | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
type.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
type.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
unitNumber | string | No | � | The number of time units (see timeUnitDuration) comprising an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
units | double | No | � | The amount of time comprising the smallest time unit for conducting an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
vehicleId | string | No | � | A number, such as the license plate number or VIN, that identifies the vehicle used to complete an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
lang | String | No | � | Indicates the language applied. | 7.3.2 |
The following sample request uses the ISLANDTON agency in the TEST environment on the Accela Developer Sandbox. Click the "Send to Hurl.It" link below to submit the sample request. Replace YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN before submitting the request.
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN' -X PUT https://apis.accela.com/v4/inspections/6389954/reschedule -d {"inspectorId":"BINSPECTOR","scheduleDate":"2014-12-31"}
Field | Type | Description | Automation Version |
result | result{} | � | 7.3.2 |
result.address | result.address{} | The address of the subject. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.addressLine1 | string | The first line of the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.addressLine2 | string | The second line of the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.addressTypeFlag | result.address.addressTypeFlag{} | The current status of the address record. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.addressTypeFlag.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.addressTypeFlag.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.city | string | The name of the city. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.country | result.address.country{} | The name of the country. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.country.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.country.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.county | string | The name of the county. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.description | string | The description of the record or item. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.direction | result.address.direction{} | The street direction of the primary address associated with the application. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.direction.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.direction.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.distance | double | The distance from another landmark used to locate the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseAlphaEnd | string | The ending street number that makes up the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseAlphaStart | string | The beginning street number that makes up the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionEnd | result.address.houseFractionEnd{} | Used in combination with the Street # fields. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionEnd.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionEnd.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionStart | result.address.houseFractionStart{} | Used In combination with the Street # fields. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionStart.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.houseFractionStart.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.id | long | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.inspectionDistrict | string | The inspection district where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.inspectionDistrictPrefix | string | The prefix for the inspection district where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.isPrimary | string | Indicates whether or not to designate the address as the primary address. Only one address can be primary at any given time. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.levelEnd | string | The ending level number (floor number) that makes up the address within a complex. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.levelPrefix | string | The prefix for the level numbers (floor numbers) that make up the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.levelStart | string | The beginning level number (floor number) that makes up the address within a complex. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.neighborhood | string | The neighborhood where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.neighborhoodPrefix | string | The prefix for the neighborhood where the address is located. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.postalCode | string | The postal ZIP code for the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId | result.address.recordId{} | The unique ID associated with a record. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId.customId | string | An ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId.id | string | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId.serviceProviderCode | string | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId.trackingId | long | The application tracking number (IVR tracking number). | 7.3.2 |
result.address.recordId.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.refAddressId | long | The unique Id generated for an address stored in the system. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.secondaryStreet | string | This field (along with the Secondary Road Number field) displays an extra description for the location when two roads that cross or a street with two names makes up the address of the location. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.secondaryStreetNumber | long | This field (along with the Secondary Road field) displays an extra description for the location when two roads that cross or a street with two names makes up the address of the location. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.serviceProviderCode | string | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.state | result.address.state{} | The state corresponding to the address on record. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.state.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.state.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.status | result.address.status{} | The address status indicating whether the address is active or inactive. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.status.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.status.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetAddress | string | The street address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetEnd | long | The end of a range of street numbers. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetEndFrom | long | The start of the street End range. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetEndTo | long | The last of the street End range. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetName | string | The street name for the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetPrefix | string | Any part of an address that appears before a street name or number. For example, if the address is 123 West Main, "West" is the street prefix. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetStart | long | The start of a range of street numbers. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetStartFrom | long | The first of the street start range. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetStartTo | long | The last of the street start range. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffix | result.address.streetSuffix{} | The type of street such as "Lane" or "Boulevard". | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffix.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffix.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffixDirection | result.address.streetSuffixDirection{} | The direction appended to the street suffix. For example, if the address is 500 56th Avenue NW, "NW" is the street suffix direction. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffixDirection.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.streetSuffixDirection.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.type | result.address.type{} | The address type. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.type.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.type.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.unitEnd | string | The end parameter of a range of unit numbers. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.unitStart | string | The starting parameter of a range of unit numbers. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.unitType | result.address.unitType{} | The unit type designation of the address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.unitType.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.unitType.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.xCoordinate | double | The longitudinal coordinate for this address. | 7.3.2 |
result.address.yCoordinate | double | The latitudinal coordinate for this address. | 7.3.2 |
result.billable | string | This defines whether or not the item is billable. | 7.3.2 |
result.category | string | The inspection category, which is used to organize inspection types. An inspection type is assigned to one or more inspection categories. | 7.3.2 |
result.commentDisplay | string | Indicates whether or not Accela Citizen Access users can view the inspection results comments. | 7.3.2 |
result.commentPublicVisible[] | string | Specifies the type of user who can view the inspection result comments. "All ACA Users" - Both registered and anonymous Accela Citizen Access users can view the comments for inspection results. "Record Creator Only" - the user who created the record can see the comments for the inspection results. "Record Creator and Licensed Professional" - The user who created the record and the licensed professional associated with the record can see the comments for the inspection results. | 7.3.2 |
result.completedAMPM | string | Indicates whether completed time is "AM" or "PM". | 7.3.2 |
result.completedDate | dateTime | The date of completion. | 7.3.2 |
result.completedTime | string | The time of completion. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact | result.contact{} | The contact information. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.firstName | string | The contact's first name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.fullName | string | The contact's full name. This field is only active when the Contact Type selected is Individual. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.id | string | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.lastName | string | The last name (surname). | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.middleName | string | The middle name. | 7.3.2 |
result.contact.phone1 | string | The primary telephone number of the contact. | 7.3.2 |
result.contactFirstName | string | The first name of the contact. | 7.3.2 |
result.contactLastName | string | The last name of the contact. | 7.3.2 |
result.contactMiddleName | string | The middle name of the contact. | 7.3.2 |
result.desiredAMPM | string | Indicates whether the desired inspection time is AM or PM. | 7.3.2 |
result.desiredDate | dateTime | The desired inspection date. | 7.3.2 |
result.desiredTime | string | The desired inspection time. | 7.3.2 |
result.endMileage | float | The ending mileage for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.endTime | dateTime | The time the inspection was completed. | 7.3.2 |
result.estimatedEndTime | string | inspection estimated end time. | 7.3.2 |
result.estimatedStartTime | string | The scheduled start time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.gisAreaName | string | The GIS Object ID of the parent application if the application that the inspection is scheduled for has a parent application that is a project application. | 7.3.2 |
result.grade | string | The name of the inspection grade. | 7.3.2 |
result.id | long | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.inspectorFullName | string | The name of the inspector performing the assessment. | 7.3.2 |
result.inspectorId | string | The ID number of the inspector. | 7.3.2 |
result.isAutoAssign | string | This defines whether or not you want to automatically reschedule the inspection when the previous inspection status attains Approved status. | 7.3.2 |
result.latitude | float | The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. | 7.3.2 |
result.longitude | float | The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. | 7.3.2 |
result.majorViolation | long | The number of major violations. | 7.3.2 |
result.overtime | string | A labor cost factor that indicates time worked beyond a worker's regular working hours. | 7.3.2 |
result.priority | double | The priority level assigned to the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.publicVisible | string | Indicates whether or not Accela Citizen Access users can view comment about the inspection results. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId | result.recordId{} | The unique ID associated with a record. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId.customId | string | An ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId.id | string | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId.serviceProviderCode | string | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId.trackingId | long | The application tracking number (IVR tracking number). | 7.3.2 |
result.recordId.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType | result.recordType{} | The type of application. The available application type options include all the application types that your agency administrator sets as enabled. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.alias | string | The record type alias. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.category | string | The 4th level in a 4-level record type structure (Group-Type-Subtype-Category). | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.filterName | string | The name of the record type filter which defines the record types to be displayed for the citizen user. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.group | string | The 1st level in a 4-level record type structure (Group-Type-Subtype-Category). | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.id | string | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.module | string | Use to filter by the module. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.subType | string | The 3rd level in a 4-level record type structure (Group-Type-Subtype-Category). | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.type | string | The 2nd level in a 4-level record type structure (Group-Type-Subtype-Category). | 7.3.2 |
result.recordType.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestAMPM | string | The time segment, AM or PM, for the time specified in the requestTime field. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestComment | string | Comments about the new inspection. For example, you may identify who requested the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestDate | dateTime | The date when an inspection request is submitted. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorFirstName | string | The first name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorLastName | string | The last name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorMiddleName | string | The middle name of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorPhone | string | The telephone number for the person who processes the inspection request or schedules the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorPhoneIDD | string | The telephone number for the person who processes the inspection request or schedules the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestorUserId | string | The user Id of the person requesting an inspection-related operation. | 7.3.2 |
result.requestTime | string | This time is automatically generated when a new inspection is scheduled and submitted. | 7.3.2 |
result.requiredInspection | string | This defines whether the inspection is optional or required. | 7.3.2 |
result.resultComment | string | The inspection result comments. | 7.3.2 |
result.resultType | string | The type of result that can be ascibed to an inspection. There are three result types: Approved: Approves (passes) the checklist item. Denied: Denies (fails) the checklist item. Informational: Indicates that the checklist items do not need a status of app | 7.3.2 |
result.scheduleDate | dateTime | The date when the inspection gets scheduled. | 7.3.2 |
result.scheduleEndAMPM | string | Indicates whether the scheduleEndTime is in the AM or PM. | 7.3.2 |
result.scheduleEndTime | string | The scheduled end time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.scheduleStartAMPM | string | AM indicates the 12 hour period from midnight to noon. PM indicates the 12 hour period from noon to midnight. | 7.3.2 |
result.scheduleStartTime | string | The scheduled start time for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.serviceProviderCode | string | The unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform. | 7.3.2 |
result.startMileage | float | The starting mileage for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.startTime | dateTime | The time when you started the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.status | result.status{} | The inspection status. | 7.3.2 |
result.status.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.status.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.submitAMPM | string | The time block for the scheduled inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.submitDate | dateTime | The date that the inspection was submitted. | 7.3.2 |
result.submitTime | string | The time that a new inspection is submitted. Accela Automation generates this value. | 7.3.2 |
result.totalMileage | float | The total mileage for the inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.totalScore | long | The overall score of the inspection that includes the inspection result, inspection grade, checklist total score and checklist major violation option. | 7.3.2 |
result.totalTime | double | The total amount of time used to do an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.type | result.type{} | The inspection type. | 7.3.2 |
result.type.group | string | The name of a group of inspection types. | 7.3.2 |
result.type.id | long | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.2 |
result.type.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.type.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.unitNumber | string | The number of time units (see timeUnitDuration) comprising an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.units | double | The amount of time comprising the smallest time unit for conducting an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
result.vehicleId | string | A number, such as the license plate number or VIN, that identifies the vehicle used to complete an inspection. | 7.3.2 |
status | integer | The record status. | 7.3.3 |
{ "status": 200, "result": { "address": { "id": 1000183970, "city": "San Francisco", "postalCode": "94102", "serviceProviderCode": "ISLANDTON", "streetName": "301 Powell St", "state": { "value": "CA", "text": "CA" } }, "id": 6389957, "priority": 0, "serviceProviderCode": "ISLANDTON", "type": { "value": "Initial Investigation", "id": 173, "group": "SR_GENERAL", "text": "Initial Investigation" }, "inspectorId": "BINSPECTOR", "recordId": { "id": "ISLANDTON-12CAP-00000-0000L", "customId": "SR-2012-00017", "serviceProviderCode": "ISLANDTON", "trackingId": 217351082, "value": "12CAP-00000-0000L" }, "inspectorFullName": "Building Inspector", "category": "Insp Scheduled", "requestorFirstName": "App", "requestorMiddleName": "", "requestorLastName": "Developer", "requiredInspection": "N", "publicVisible": "Y", "status": { "value": "Scheduled", "text": "Scheduled" }, "isAutoAssign": "N", "requestDate": "2014-10-15", "scheduleDate": "2014-12-31" } }