Finds the parts that match the search criteria. Specify at least one search criteria.
Scope | parts Deprecated scope name: search_parts |
App Type | Agency |
Authorization Type | Access token |
URI | /v4/search/parts?offset={offset}&limit={limit}&fields={fields}&lang={lang} |
HTTP Method | POST |
Automation Version(s) | |
Field or Parameter | Type | Required | Values | Description | Automation Version |
fields | string | No | � | Comma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored. | 7.3.2 |
lang | String | No | � | Indicates the language applied. | 7.3.2 |
limit | long | No | � | Indicates the number of items that are returned in each page. | 7.3.2 |
offset | long | No | � | Indicates the offset start of each page by the number specified. | 7.3.2 |
brand | brand{} | No | � | The brand name of the asset. | 7.3.3 |
brand.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
brand.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
budgetAccount | budgetAccount{} | No | � | The budget account name associated with the asset. | 7.3.3 |
budgetAccount.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
budgetAccount.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
budgetNumber | string | No | � | The budget account number associated with the asset. | 7.3.3 |
calculateType | calculateType{} | No | � | Specifies the type used to calculate the average cost of the part: "Simple" : The average cost is equal to the sum of the unit cost of a current shipment and existing average cost, divided by two. This provides the average value of the existing average cost and the cost per unit of the current shipment. "Weighted" : This is the same as the Simple Average, but weighted by quantity. This means that the existing part quantity is multiplied by the existing average cost and then the quantity of the current shipment is multiplied by the unit cost of the shipment. Then the sum of these values is divided by the total part quantity. | 7.3.3 |
calculateType.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
calculateType.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
comments | string | No | � | Comments or notes about the current context. | 7.3.3 |
description | description{} | No | � | The description of the record or item. | 7.3.3 |
description.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
description.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
hardReserve | double | No | � | The quantity set aside as hard-reserved. | 7.3.3 |
id | long | No | � | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.3 |
maximumQuantity | double | No | � | The maximum quantity of asset parts. | 7.3.3 |
minimumQuantity | double | No | � | The minimum quantity of asset parts. | 7.3.3 |
partNumber | string | No | � | The number of the part. | 7.3.3 |
partStatus | partStatus{} | No | � | The status of the part. | 7.3.3 |
partStatus.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
partStatus.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
reorderDue | string | No | � | The status of reorder displays “Yes” if the total supply is greater than the minimum quantity. The reorder due displays “No” if the total supply is less than the minimum quantity. | 7.3.3 |
reorderQuantity | double | No | � | The quantity to reorder. | 7.3.3 |
reservedQuantity | double | No | � | The quantity reserved. | 7.3.3 |
status | status{} | No | � | The part inventory status. | 7.3.3 |
status.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
status.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
taxable | string | No | Y | N | Indicates whether or not the part is taxable. | 7.3.3 |
totalSupply | double | No | � | The total quantity on hand for the part. | 7.3.3 |
trackCostByLocation | string | No | Y | N | Indicates whether or not to track the cost of a part based on its stock location. | 7.3.3 |
type | type{} | No | Get Part Types | The part type, such Fittings, Fleet, Materials. | 7.3.3 |
type.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
type.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
unitCost | double | No | � | The unit cost per part. | 7.3.3 |
unitOfMeasure | unitOfMeasure{} | No | � | The unit of measurement for quantifying the part. | 7.3.3 |
unitOfMeasure.text | string | No | � | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
unitOfMeasure.value | string | No | � | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
Field | Type | Description | Automation Version |
result[] | result{} | � | 7.3.3 |
result.brand | result.brand{} | The brand name of the asset. | 7.3.3 |
result.brand.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.brand.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.budgetAccount | result.budgetAccount{} | The budget account name associated with the asset. | 7.3.3 |
result.budgetAccount.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.budgetAccount.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.budgetNumber | string | The budget account number associated with the asset. | 7.3.3 |
result.calculateType | result.calculateType{} | Specifies the type used to calculate the average cost of the part: "Simple" : The average cost is equal to the sum of the unit cost of a current shipment and existing average cost, divided by two. This provides the average value of the existing average cost and the cost per unit of the current shipment. "Weighted" : This is the same as the Simple Average, but weighted by quantity. This means that the existing part quantity is multiplied by the existing average cost and then the quantity of the current shipment is multiplied by the unit cost of the shipment. Then the sum of these values is divided by the total part quantity. | 7.3.3 |
result.calculateType.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.calculateType.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.comments | string | Comments or notes about the current context. | 7.3.3 |
result.description | result.description{} | The description of the record or item. | 7.3.3 |
result.description.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.description.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.hardReserve | double | The quantity set aside as hard-reserved. | 7.3.3 | | long | The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. | 7.3.3 |
result.maximumQuantity | double | The maximum quantity of asset parts. | 7.3.3 |
result.minimumQuantity | double | The minimum quantity of asset parts. | 7.3.3 |
result.partNumber | string | The number of the part. | 7.3.3 |
result.partStatus | result.partStatus{} | The status of the part. | 7.3.3 |
result.partStatus.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.partStatus.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.reorderDue | string | The status of reorder displays “Yes” if the total supply is greater than the minimum quantity. The reorder due displays “No” if the total supply is less than the minimum quantity. | 7.3.3 |
result.reorderQuantity | double | The quantity to reorder. | 7.3.3 |
result.reservedQuantity | double | The quantity reserved. | 7.3.3 |
result.status | result.status{} | The part inventory status. | 7.3.3 |
result.status.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.status.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.taxable | string | Indicates whether or not the part is taxable. | 7.3.3 |
result.totalSupply | double | The total quantity on hand for the part. | 7.3.3 |
result.trackCostByLocation | string | Indicates whether or not to track the cost of a part based on its stock location. | 7.3.3 |
result.type | result.type{} | The part type, such Fittings, Fleet, Materials. | 7.3.3 |
result.type.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.type.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
result.unitCost | double | The unit cost per part. | 7.3.3 |
result.unitOfMeasure | result.unitOfMeasure{} | The unit of measurement for quantifying the part. | 7.3.3 |
result.unitOfMeasure.text | string | The localized display text. | 7.3.2 |
result.unitOfMeasure.value | string | The value for the specified parameter. | 7.3.2 |
status | integer | The record status. | 7.3.3 |