Create Linked User Account

Links a user account to the currently logged-in CivicId user. The user account to be linked must be a valid user account in Automation or Accela Citizen Access. Specify the required agency name in the HTTP header x-accela-agency, and the optional environment in the HTTP header x-accela-environment. The default environment is "PROD".

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   create_civicid_accounts

App TypeAll
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/civicid/accounts?lang={lang}
Automation Version(s)All

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
accountTypestringYesAgency | CitizenThe type of account (whether an agency or citizen account).All
loginNamestringYesThe login of the user to be linked to the logged-in CivicID.All
passwordstringYesThe password of the user to be linked to the logged-in CivicID.All
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.All

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
statusintegerThe record status.All