Get Time Accounting

Gets time accounting information.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   get_timeaccounting

App TypeAgency
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/timeAccounting
Automation Version(s)7.3.3

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.7.3.2

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
result.accessresult.access{}Describes time accounting permissions.7.3.3
result.access.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.access.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.billablestringThis defines whether or not the item is billable.7.3.2
result.costdoubleThe calculated cost of the entry7.3.2
result.createBystringThe unique user id of the individual that created this entry.7.3.2
result.createDatedateTimeThe date the entry was created.7.3.2
result.detailDuration[]result.detailDuration{}Contains details about the time accounting duration.7.3.3
result.detailDuration.factordoubleThe cost factor.7.3.3
result.detailDuration.minutesDoubleThe duration in minutes.7.3.3
result.durationstringThe unit of time used to measure the duration of a task or activity. For example, hours or minutes.7.3.2
result.endMileagedoubleThe ending mileage for the time accounting item.7.3.3
result.endTimestringThe time the inspection was completed.7.3.2
result.entitystringThe entity associated with the time accounting item.7.3.3
result.entityIdstringThe unique ID of the entity or record.7.3.2
result.entityTypestringThe type of entity.7.3.2{}The time accounting group.7.3.2 localized display text.7.3.2 value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.idlongThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.lastChangedBystringThe person who last changed the time accounting entry.7.3.3
result.lastChangedDatedateTimeThe date when the time accounting entry was last changed.7.3.3
result.loggedDatedateTimeThe date when the time accounting was logged.7.3.3
result.materialsstringThe materials tracked by the time accounting entry.7.3.3
result.materialsCostdoubleThe cost of materials tracked by the time accounting entry.7.3.3
result.notationstringThe notation associated with the time accounting entry.7.3.3
result.percentdoubleThe percentage point for calculating the cost. 50 stands for 50%, 80 stands for 80%, and 150 stands for 150%.7.3.2
result.ratedoubleThe billing rate for inspections.7.3.2
result.recordIdresult.recordId{}The unique ID associated with a record.7.3.2
result.recordId.customIdstringAn ID based on a different numbering convention from the numbering convention used by the record ID (xxxxx-xx-xxxxx). Accela Automation auto-generates and applies an alternate ID value when you submit a new application.7.3.2
result.recordId.idstringThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.recordId.serviceProviderCodestringThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
result.recordId.trackingIdlongThe application tracking number (IVR tracking number).7.3.2
result.recordId.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.serviceProviderCodestringThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
result.startMileagedoubleThe starting mileage for the time accounting item.7.3.3
result.startTimestringThe time when you started the inspection.7.3.2
result.statusresult.status{}The time log status.7.3.3
result.status.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.status.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.totalMileagedoubleThe total mileage for the inspection.7.3.3
result.totalMinuteslongThe total number of billable minutes for an inspection.7.3.2
result.typeresult.type{}The time accounting type. 7.3.2
result.type.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.type.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.userIdstringThe users login ID for the Accela Civic Platform, created by agency administrators.7.3.2
result.vehicleIdresult.vehicleId{}A number, such as the license plate number or VIN, that identifies the vehicle used to complete an inspection.7.3.3
result.vehicleId.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.vehicleId.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
statusintegerThe record status.7.3.3