Get Inspection Checklists

Gets the setting values for use in the specified inspection checklist.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   get_settings_inspection_checklist

App TypeAgency
Authorization TypeAccess token
URI /v4/settings/inspections/checklists/{ids}?lang={lang}&fields={fields}
Automation Version(s)7.3.2

Request Information

Field or ParameterTypeRequiredValuesDescriptionAutomation Version
fieldsstringNoComma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored.7.3.2
idsstringYesOne or multiple identifiers separated by a comma like id1,id2,id3.7.3.2
langStringNoIndicates the language applied.7.3.2


Sample Request Head



The following sample request uses the ISLANDTON agency in the TEST environment on the Accela Developer Sandbox. Click the "Send to Hurl.It" link below to submit the sample request. Replace YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN before submitting the request.

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json'
     -H 'Accept: application/json'
     -H 'Authorization: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN'
     -X GET

Response Information

FieldTypeDescriptionAutomation Version
result[]result{}7.3.2[]stringThe name of the inspection checklist group.7.3.2
result.idstringThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.items[]result.items{}Contains the checklist items for this checklist.7.3.2
result.items.commentstringComments or notes about the current context.7.3.2
result.items.defaultScorelongThe default score associated with the checklist item.7.3.2
result.items.displayOrderlongThe order of the item in comparison to the other items.7.3.2
result.items.idlongThe unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response.7.3.2
result.items.isCarryOverstringIndicates whether or not the checklist is a carry-over.7.3.2
result.items.isCommentVisiblestringIndicates whether or not the comment is visible in a checklist.7.3.2
result.items.isCriticalstringIndicates whether or not the checklist item is critical.7.3.2
result.items.isMaxPointsVisiblestringIndicates whether or not to display the maximum points for the inspection checklist.7.3.2
result.items.isScoreVisiblestringIndicates whether or not to display the inspection checklist score.7.3.2
result.items.maxPointsdoubleThe number of points allowed for an inspection, after which the inspection fails. 7.3.2
result.items.statuses[]result.items.statuses{}Uses several parameters to characterize the status of one or more inspection checklists7.3.2
result.items.statuses.criticalScorelongThe critical score for the status of a guidesheet item that is a Major Violation/Critical Item.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.displayOrderlongThe order of the item in comparison to the other items.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.lhsTypestringIndicates whether or not the checklist is for LHS (Life/Health/Safety). For LHS-type items, the maximum point value becomes the default score.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.majorViolationstringThe number of major violations.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.nonCriticalScorelongThe non-critical score for the status of a guidesheet item that is not a Major Violation/Critical Item.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.resultTypestringThe type of result that can be ascibed to an inspection. There are three result types: Approved: Approves (passes) the checklist item. Denied: Denies (fails) the checklist item. Informational: Indicates that the checklist items do not need a status of app7.3.2
result.items.statuses.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.items.statuses.valuestringThe value for the specified parameter.7.3.2
result.items.statusGroupstringDefines a set of status values for use with inspection types that conform to similar code requirements. For example, status groups for building related inspections, such as mechanical, electrical, uniform plumbing, and zoning.7.3.2
result.items.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
result.serviceProviderCodestringThe unique agency identifier, the system assigns, on the Accela Civic Platform.7.3.2
result.textstringThe localized display text.7.3.2
statusintegerThe record status.7.3.3


Sample Response Body

  "result": [
      "id": "BLD_GS1",
      "items": [
          "isCritical": "N",
          "displayOrder": 1,
          "isScoreVisible": "Y",
          "isCommentVisible": "Y",
          "statusGroup": "GS_Status",
          "isMaxPointsVisible": "Y",
          "maxPoints": 100,
          "id": 34593,
          "text": "Water Checking",
          "defaultScore": 60,
          "statuses": [
              "displayOrder": 1,
              "resultType": "APPROVED",
              "majorViolation": "N",
              "criticalScore": 80,
              "nonCriticalScore": 60,
              "value": "Passed",
              "text": "Passed"
              "displayOrder": 2,
              "resultType": "DENIED",
              "majorViolation": "N",
              "criticalScore": 50,
              "nonCriticalScore": 40,
              "value": "Failed",
              "text": "Failed"
          "isCritical": "N",
          "displayOrder": 2,
          "isScoreVisible": "Y",
          "isCommentVisible": "Y",
          "statusGroup": "GS_Status",
          "isMaxPointsVisible": "Y",
          "id": 34594,
          "text": "Electronic Checking",
          "statuses": [
              "displayOrder": 1,
              "resultType": "APPROVED",
              "majorViolation": "N",
              "criticalScore": 80,
              "nonCriticalScore": 60,
              "value": "Passed",
              "text": "Passed"
              "displayOrder": 2,
              "resultType": "DENIED",
              "majorViolation": "N",
              "criticalScore": 50,
              "nonCriticalScore": 40,
              "value": "Failed",
              "text": "Failed"
      "serviceProviderCode": "ISLANDTON",
      "group": [
      "text": "BLD_GS1"
  "status": 200