Get All Custom Table Settings for Contact Type

Gets all custom table settings for specified contact type.

Resource Information


Deprecated scope name:   get_settings_contact_type_customtables

App Type Agency
Authorization Type Access token
URI /v4/settings/contacts/types/{id}/customTables?fields={fields}&lang={lang}
Automation Version(s) 8.0.3

Request Information

Field or Parameter Type Required Values Description Automation Version
id string Yes Get All Contact Types The unique identifier of the contact type. Specify the case-sensitive standard choice value as configured in Civic Platform. 8.0.3
fields string No   Comma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored. 8.0.3
lang String No   Indicates the language applied. 8.0.3


Sample Request Head


Response Information

Field Type Description Automation Version
result[] result{} Contains the custom table metadata for a record contact. 8.0.3
result.displayOrder long The display order of the custom table in comparison with other Custom Table. 8.0.3
result.fields[] result.fields{} Custom table metadata containing the field attributes. 8.0.3
result.fields.displayOrder long The display order of the field in comparison with other custom fields. 8.0.3
result.fields.drillDown result.fields.drillDown{} Contains drill-down information associated with the field. 8.0.3
result.fields.drillDown.children[] result.fields.drillDown.children{} Contains the drill-down items. 8.0.3
result.fields.drillDown.children.drillId long A number identifying the drill-down assigned to the field. 8.0.3 string The unique identifier for the drill-down item. 8.0.3
result.fields.drillDown.isRoot boolean Indicates whether or not the drill-down information is at the root (true/false). 8.0.3
result.fields.fieldType string The type of field. 8.0.3 string The unique identifier for the field. 8.0.3
result.fields.isReadonly string Indicates whether or not the information is read-only ("Y"/"N"). 8.0.3
result.fields.isRequired string Indicates whether or not the information is required ("Y"/"N"). 8.0.3
result.fields.maxLength long The maximum number of characters. 8.0.3
result.fields.options[] result.fields.options{} Contains the fields that define additional data options. 8.0.3
result.fields.options.text string The localized display text. 8.0.3
result.fields.options.value string The value for the specified parameter. 8.0.3
result.fields.text string The localized display text. 8.0.3
result.fields.value string The field default value. 8.0.3 string The unique identifier for the custom table. 8.0.3
result.text string The name of the custom table. 8.0.3
status integer The return status. 8.0.3


Sample Response Body

  "status": 200,
  "result": [
      "id": "API.1ASIT.1GRP-API.1ASIT.1SUBGRP",
      "text": "API.1ASIT.1GRP-API.1ASIT.1SUBGRP",
      "displayOrder": 1,
      "fields": [
          "id": "API-COL-1",
          "text": "API-COL-1",
          "value": "12",
          "isReadonly": "N",
          "fieldType": "Number",
          "maxLength": 240,
          "isRequired": "N",
          "drillDown": {
            "children": [
                "id": "API-COL-2",
                "drillId": 745
            "isRoot": true
          "displayOrder": 1
          "id": "API-COL-3",
          "text": "API-COL-3",
          "value": "2002-09-09",
          "isReadonly": "N",
          "fieldType": "Date",
          "maxLength": 240,
          "isRequired": "N",
          "drillDown": {
            "isRoot": false
          "displayOrder": 3
          "id": "API-COL-2",
          "text": "API-COL-2",
          "value": "GOOD",
          "isReadonly": "N",
          "fieldType": "Text",
          "maxLength": 240,
          "isRequired": "N",
          "drillDown": {
            "children": [
                "id": "API-COL-3",
                "drillId": 746
            "isRoot": false
          "displayOrder": 2