Get All Asset Documents

Returns all documents for a given asset.

Resource Information

Scope assets
App Type Agency
Authorization Type Access token
URI /v4/assets/{assetId}/documents?lang={lang}&fields={fields}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}
Automation Version(s) 9.0.0

Request Information

Field or Parameter Type Required Values Description Automation Version
assetId string No Get All Assets The unique asset id assigned by the Civic Platform server. 9.0.0
fields string No   Comma-delimited names of fields to be returned in the response. Note: Field names are case-sensitive and only first-level fields are supported. Invalid field names are ignored. 9.0.0
lang String No   Indicates the language applied. 9.0.0
limit long No   Indicates the number of items that are returned in each page. 9.0.0
offset long No   Indicates the offset start of each page by the number specified. 9.0.0

Response Information

Field Type Description Automation Version
result[] result{}   9.0.0
result.category result.category{} The document category. The list of category options varies depending on the document group. 9.0.0
result.deletable result.deletable{} Contains permission assignments for deleting documents. 9.0.0
result.deletable.contactAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a contact. 9.0.0
result.deletable.deleteAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to delete a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.deletable.downloadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to download a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.deletable.licensendProfessionalAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a licensed professional. 9.0.0
result.deletable.licenseTypeRules[] String A string array containing the types of licensed professionals who are given the permission. 9.0.0
result.deletable.ownerAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to an owner. 9.0.0
result.deletable.recordCreatorAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a record creator. 9.0.0
result.deletable.registeredUserAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a registered public user. 9.0.0
result.deletable.titleViewAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to view a document name is allowed. 9.0.0
result.deletable.uploadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to upload a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.department string The name of the department where the inspector works. 9.0.0
result.description string The description of the record or item. 9.0.0
result.downloadable result.downloadable{} Contains permission assignments for downloading documents. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.contactAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a contact. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.deleteAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to delete a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.downloadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to download a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.licensendProfessionalAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a licensed professional. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.licenseTypeRules[] String A string array containing the types of licensed professionals who are given the permission. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.ownerAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to an owner. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.recordCreatorAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a record creator. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.registeredUserAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a registered public user. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.titleViewAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to view a document name is allowed. 9.0.0
result.downloadable.uploadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to upload a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.entityId string The unique ID of the entity or record. 9.0.0
result.entityType string The type of entity. 9.0.0
result.fileName string The name of the file as it displays in the source location. 9.0.0{} The document group which allows agencies to organize the different types of documents that users might need to add to certain applications. 9.0.0 long The unique identifier for the object, assigned by the Civic Platform server and provided in a response. 9.0.0
result.modifiedBy string The user account that last modified the document. 9.0.0
result.modifiedDate dateTime The date the document was last modified. 9.0.0
result.serviceProviderCode string The unique agency identifier. 9.0.0
result.size double The file size of the document. 9.0.0
result.source string The name for your agency's electronic document management system. 9.0.0
result.status result.status{} The documet status. 9.0.0
result.statusDate dateTime The date when the current status changed. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable result.titleViewable{} Contains permission assignments for viewing document names. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.contactAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a contact. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.deleteAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to delete a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.downloadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to download a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.licensendProfessionalAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a licensed professional. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.licenseTypeRules[] String A string array containing the types of licensed professionals who are given the permission. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.ownerAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to an owner. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.recordCreatorAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a record creator. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.registeredUserAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission is given to a registered public user. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.titleViewAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to view a document name is allowed. 9.0.0
result.titleViewable.uploadAllowed boolean Indicates whether or not the permission to upload a document is allowed. 9.0.0
result.type string The document type. 9.0.0
result.uploadedBy string The user who uploaded the document to the record. 9.0.0
result.uploadedDate dateTime The date when the document was uploaded to the record. 9.0.0
result.virtualFolders string This is the virtual folder for storing the attachment. With virtual folders you can organize uploaded attachments in groups 9.0.0
status integer The request status. 9.0.0