Logging in the Authentication Server

Accela offers multiple login flows to suit for different app development scenarios using OAuth 2.0 standard.

The login flow generates an access token, which you can use to make API calls on behalf of a user. Accela client SDK handles access token generation, persistence, signing of API calls automatically. Server-side login flow can be used in cases where use of client side SDK is not appropriate or you want to develop an app in a language where SDK is not yet available.

To get started, first log in to Accela Developer Portal and create an agency or citizen app. Enter “Authorized Redirect URIs” to limit the redirect URIs. It will prevent the access token that is appended to the redirect URI from sending to other URIs. Once an app is created, note down the app ID and app secret values.Then you can use the authorization code flow and implicit flow defined by OAuth2 to get access tokens. After getting the access tokens, you can invoke APIs using the access tokens.


     Authorization Code Flow

     Implicit Flow

     Password Credential Login

See Also:

     Logging in with iOS SDK

     Logging in with Android SDK

     Logging in with Windows SDK

